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With more than 300 Glossary of Biological Terms, more than 100 Glossary terms in Chemistry and more than 100 terms in Mathematical Terms and all for free on your phone to access 24/7 sure success is your , and l no 100% sky is the limit for you.1) All you need is click on the subject of your choice to take you to the pages 2) Try to see if you can get or defined the terms first,3) Yes or not click the A button bellow the to take you to the anser to confirmed you answer myAppleEdu this is a free App. This is an application that puts education on your hand ; imagine you have got a big biology, mathematical, chemistry test or examination coming up, you take a look at your study guide, and you don’t have a clue what any of those words mean.Active transport in Biology , Absorption spectroscopy in Chemistry ? or Associative property in math ? What language is this!? While it would be impossible to memorize the definitions for every single word used in every subject , there are a handful of common definitions that will help you ace that upcoming exam. By understanding common biology, mathematical, chemistry vocabulary, you can use the simple application call myAppleEdu which is easily accessible to you , all you need is download it on your phone and 24/7 you are ready to go now you don’t have to worry about what other vocabulary words mean. Before you know it, you’ll be using these terms in everyday sentences – leaving others to ask “what does that mean?!”